Saturday, January 21, 2012

Fast Forward Motion

This week has gone by SO fast! I cannot comprehend that it is already Friday night! I could have sworn yesterday was Monday!!! 

It has been a bit of a rough week! On Saturday I had some weird meat at lunch that made me pretty stinkin' sick! I haven't really felt up to updating because of it! Luckily I am feeling much better now & am almost completely back to my normal self!

I am really tired & it is pretty late- so I don't feel like going into extreme detail about anything now! So I'll just say a few things!!

This week was Holy Spirit week! It was very... interesting to say the least! Honestly, I'm still processing & it's pretty hard to put into words! It's a topic that is quite controversial among different denominations & backgrounds! Throughout the teaching there were some things that were highlighted that were of that controversial nature! I don't know where I stand completely on some of those subjects, so it has been quite the adventure sifting through those things with the Lord and scripture. I have definitely been tested & stretched this week!

That's all I'm gonna say for now, since I'm starting to fall asleep! 

BUT, here's a really short, raw video of some of the pretty things I've seen here so far! 

(I'm really into doing time lapse video right now, so I wanna go out & shoot more! Haven't had time yet! Hopefully this weekend!!)

1 comment:

Dan said...

Really cool video Pati! Hope Hawaii is treating you well