Sunday, January 29, 2012


So, lots of things to say! It's been awhile since my last update!! 

First of all, February 2 (4 days!!) is our first deadline for outreach funds! AH! It's getting so close!! I would like to extend an invitation to you to partner with me in reaching the people of South Africa. I ask that you would pray, pray, pray!! If the Lord lays it upon your heart to support me in loving on & sharing the gospel with the South Africans. The total cost for my time in South Africa is around $5,000. That will cover all of my costs while I'm there & airfare. 

I trust that the Lord will lay the amount on your heart to contribute & I would encourage you to listen to His voice. I am so thankful for all of your support this far & would be delighted to receive any further support you can offer whether it be through your prayers, or finances!!

Now for an update?!

In the least negative way possible, this last week or so has been such a roller coaster ride! Kind of seems to be a theme here at YWAM! After getting completely over my last sickness for almost a week, I got sick again this week!! Seriously frustrating! There is a lot of sickness being passed around campus! Please be praying for health for all!!!!

First off, I am getting close
If I had to sum up the last week/all of my time here in two words, I'd have to say overall it's been fun, & challenging

Fun in the sense that I am enjoying getting to know all of the kind folks here! 
Challenging in the sense that my faith has been challenged in various ways.
(On a drive out to Waimea)

This week I met more wonderful people, had some amazing conversations & some craaaazy experiences! Monday, Tuesday & Thursday Darlene Cunningham spoke, that was awesome. She shared some incredible testimonies of how the Lord formed YWAM! So amazing! Also spoke about pursuing the dreams that the Lord has placed in our hearts.
(Beautiful Sunset! From last Saturday)

On Wednesday Heidi Baker spoke in the morning and at night. That's what brings me to the low of the roller coaster! I don't have much to say about her, or her teaching other than she is a very animated speaker. I have some video footage that I shot from Wednesday night. Planning on editing that soon.

On Thursday night & Friday morning we had a really great speaker (I cannot remember her name) from Sex + Money Film come and share about her journey with the Lord & how He brought her to making the Sex + Money documentary. It was a super touching story and I was blown away & shocked by what she had to share about sex trafficking in the US. I really felt the Lord tugging at my heart when she was sharing about her ministry. Here's a link to the trailer of the film:

Yesterday was a very refreshing day, took a super long nap, rested and made some jewelry! If you wanna check it out, or buy some to support me, & get some super cute jewelry, here's the link ---> ETSY <--- where you can buy it!

This is another video I made from the end of last week! Planning to film some more stuff tonight!!

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